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16 - 19 May 2022: 1st FSX - Domino 2022.

To demonstrate the operational capability of FENICS, what better way than a projection in an operational setting.

It is in this context that the MREI of the DGSCGC proposed to associate FENCIS in the MODEX DOMINO22 organized in the framework of the French presidency of the European Union.

This exercise was an opportunity to engage the FENICS module for two missions:

  • To ensure communications between EXCON personnel by recreating a communications network similar to the coverage of a Base of Operation. For this exercise, this represented an internet access and Mission Critical Service FENICS for the 300 people with a WIFI coverage of more than one hectare with secured backhaul deployed for the exercise.

  • Offer to the 5 foreign modules and the 5 French modules access to the Mission Critical Service FENICS to ensure communications and geolocation of the teams during the module mission from the moment of engagement, during transit and during the mission. A presence on the ground, including in the RDC, made it possible to adapt communication capabilities to the needs of each module.

In the preparatory phase, in April, the representatives of the different EXCON entities and the players were given an acculturation to FENCIS to discover the solution.

To make the commitment realistic, the FENICS actions started a few days before the commitment of the modules. Thus, on the FENICS MCS for the EXCON, nearly 250 accounts were created and more than 200 for the players of the 10 reinforcing modules.

To ensure structured exchanges, nearly 60 communication channels were also created and more than 2700 messages were sent by users,

For FENCIS, this exercise was a unique opportunity to test without a solution in a large-scale operational context over 48 hours of exercise, with a ramp-up similar to a real operation. The technical feedback is underway to improve the proposed response

This event was also a unique opportunity to present this new capacity to the actors of the UCPM. It was presented to the European Commissioner Janez Lenarčič in the presence of the prefect Alain Thirion, but also to the various European directors of civil protection present at the meeting organized in the framework of the PFEU.

The "hot" feedback has demonstrated the importance of such a capability response in the UCPM. However, it is necessary to add to the technical response a shared doctrine of use to enable optimal use on the ground.

It is important that the members of the EUCPT and the Team Leaders are aware of this support module to facilitate and fluidify their communication during deployment.



FENICS is a team of specialists in the reconstruction of strategic communications in the event of major or even catastrophic events.

They come from the Fire and Rescue Services of the Bouches du Rhône, Savoie, Haute Savoie and Rhône.

© 2023 by FENICS

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